Catherine and Fady

I met Fady in 2014, and we quickly realized we were meant for each other. Our love story felt like a fairy tale, and by 2019 we were married and excited to start our next chapter. By 2021, we were ready to bring a new life into our world and start our own family. I went off birth control, and while we knew it might take some time, we were blissfully unaware of the journey that awaited us.

Coming from large, loving families, both Fady and I had always envisioned a home filled with laughter and the pitter-patter of little feet. But month after month, we were met with disappointment and heartbreak. Each negative test felt like a blow, and the weight of the unfulfilled desire grew heavier.
After a year of trying, I pushed for a referral to a fertility clinic. Our family doctor, though kind, insisted we were young and healthy, advising us to just relax. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I dived into research, reading everything I could about PCOS, listening to podcasts, and devouring books on the subject. I overhauled my diet, took supplements, and consulted with a dietician, a workout coach, and a naturopath. Despite all my efforts, every month brought the same crushing result: no positive pregnancy.
It was hard not to feel like my body was betraying me. The fertility clinic ran every test imaginable, but everything came back normal. It was both a relief and a frustration. We tried several rounds of Letrozole, but still, no success. Each failed attempt chipped away at my hope.
The decision to move to IUI was fraught with emotion. Accepting help felt like admitting defeat, but we were willing to try anything. Three IUIs failed, with one canceled, left us feeling more defeated than ever. It became clear that our next step was IVF, a daunting prospect filled with unknowns and fears.
Throughout this journey, Fady was my rock. His unwavering support kept me going, even when I felt like giving up. The egg retrieval was a success, and we managed to get four embryos—our little “caviar babies,” as we affectionately called them. This small victory gave us a glimmer of hope in a sea of uncertainty.
Opening up to our family and friends about our struggles was one of the hardest things we’ve done. Infertility is such a taboo topic, shrouded in silence and stigma. But sharing our story brought an unexpected sense of relief and support. We even created an Instagram page to raise awareness and connect with others going through similar experiences.
Now, as we prepare for a frozen embryo transfer, we’re holding onto hope for our miracle. This journey has been longer and harder than we ever imagined, but it has also brought us closer together and strengthened our resolve. With Fady by my side, I believe we can face whatever comes next.

More 1 in 6 stories
My partner, Sam, and I began our fertility journey in September, 2020. We started the process for IVF right away.
When I was 21, I accidentally threw out my birth control pills. What else disappeared? My period. I didn’t think too much about it at the time.
Emily and Eli
I could write several volumes of our (in)fertility journey, but there are moments that I relive more than others. Those early days of finding out that this would be our story.