Matthew and Michael

We are Matthew, Michael and Chloe and here’s our story. As a gay couple, our options for having a child were extremely limited. We knew adoption was not an option that would work for us, so the only remaining option was surrogacy. In Canada, it is challenging to find a surrogate because it’s not legal to provide compensation. Then, a miracle happened.
Our sister-in-law, Lauren, who is also a lifetime best friend of Matthew, offered to be a surrogate for us. She was adopted herself and had that first-hand understanding that families are not created by genes, but rather by love.
Today, three years later, she remains a very special part of our family. Chloe already knows that she came from “Aunt Lolo’s” tummy, and we intend to be open with her about how she came to be. There is not a day that goes by that we aren’t grateful. This level of gratitude, I believe, has had a profound impact on our style of parenting.
Every moment is sacred, and each day is a gift.
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