Samantha and Jeff

My husband Jeff and I were married in Oct 2010, but we started our TTC story 2 years before our wedding date. Sadly, with a loss in 2007, one a week after our wedding at 10 weeks, and a third loss a year and a half later, our hearts were broken. We started seeing a fertility specialist who did very little testing and came to the conclusion I had PCOS, even though the testing was never around the right time of month to determine this. We stayed with this doctor for little over a year.
Our family doctor referred us to a different clinic. Were we ever thankful! They did a battery of tests and I was able to come off the metformin because I in fact did not have PCO’s. It was determined that I have a blood clotting disorder which could be the reason for the losses. Also, Jeff has was on the lower end of normal counts. It was also determined that I have low progesterone. We saw our new doctor the first day of my cycle. On day three we had blood work, and on day fourteen we had IUI. We were very blessed to welcome our sweet boy on April 28, 2013, 10 days early. We have been trying for a second child for one year now and we have suffered one loss. We moved out of the province from where our clinic is, but we are saving up to visit family and to go back to the clinic as the fees in my province are outrageous. I have faith we will be blessed with another child, but the journey to get there has not been easy.
More 1 in 6 stories
Lana and Scott
My name is Lana, and my husband is Scott Comeau. We have been dating since 2006. We married in 2008 and TTC since 2008.
Jeremy and Amber
I always knew that I wanted to be a mom. I wanted to stay at home and raise a family. I never anticipated that becoming pregnant would be a struggle.
Jennifer and Don
I had intended to send in our story in the spring, ahead of Infertility Awareness Month in May, but thought better of it.