Ashley and Aaron

Since I was 14 years old I was told it may be hard to concieve due to endometriosis, reoccurring ovarian cysts and fibroids.
We started trying in August 2019 on our own with ovulation tests and tons of vitamins. In December I became impatient and seeked medical attention from an obgyn to get an hsg and a semen analysis done. I was put on leteozole for many cycles. The semen analysis came back perfect so that was one tick checked off the list.
Due to covid the hsg kept getting pushed and pushed. In may of 2020 our dream came true. We found out we were expecting our very first baby. Unfortunately that dream quickly became a nightmare and we had suffered a very early miscarriage. We were devastated and I fell into a deep depression that took time and work to come out of.
In June I decided to seek attention from a fertility clinic to see what was going on. They ran a very intensive hormone panel, infectious disease work up and much more on my husband and I, sent me for a sonohystogram and reviewed my husbands semen analysis.
In September of 2020 we finally had a consult with the doctor to review all of the testing, results and where to go. He pointed out that my fsh was high and wanted to have my amh checked but in the mean time we could do timed intercourse with leteozole, ovidrel and crinone. Unfortunately we had done two full cycles and had one cycle canceled due to elevated estradiol on day three of my cycle.
When my amh came back, I knew it was bad because the doctor himself called and told me that it was 1.51pmol/0.21ngl (which is the same as a 45-50 year old, im 26). I was devastated all over again. What does this mean for us, where do we go from here and how do I tell my husband.
Our fertility doctor and his team of nurses are amazing and had us set up with an ivf clinic and a doctor who specializes in DOR only 3 days after our phone call.
We have finally finished all all extra testing for our ivf clinic and now we wait.
More 1 in 6 stories
Alisha and Liam
My husband Liam and I have been together for 9 years and married for 7 years. We met and fell in love in Cape Town but immigrated to Calgary in November 2015.
Brittenay and Aaron
When I first sat down many years ago to share our story, Aaron and I were still so new to the world of infertility. We honestly had no clue what we were getting into.
Megan and Steve
Megan and Steve are high-school sweethearts. They started dating in 2006, got married in 2012 and immediately started trying to grow their family.