Dee and Mitch

We already had a child and did not think we would have any issues trying to have a second, but that was not the case at all. We started trying and after a while of no success we started reading as much as we could about infertility and trying to find alternative methods in combination with our regular doctor visits.
And month after month there were tears every time we looked at that negative pregnancy test. We were both under 30 years old so everyone told us ‘it would happen’ and for some reason I came to despise that saying, even though I know people meant it in a good way.
Our doctor could not figure out why it wasn’t working and called it ‘unexplained secondary infertility’ and told us our only options would be IUI-with a lower chance of success or IVF-with a bit higher chance of success. We decided to do IVF, but were shocked to see the cost of treatment and whether we could afford it. After doing more research, we found a clinic abroad that had excellent reviews and the price was way more within our budget.
We traveled there to start our treatment and my husband only stayed there for a week as he had to head home for work and I stayed there for a couple of months. We ended up with 7 fertilized 5 day embryos and did PGS testing on them, which left us with 4. We were blessed to have our first round of IVF be a success and we now have a sweet baby girl that we so longed for and will forever be grateful for the doctors and science that made it possible for us to be able to conceive again.
More 1 in 6 stories
Ashley and Aaron
Since I was 14 years old I was told it may be hard to concieve due to endometriosis, reoccurring ovarian cysts and fibroids.
Alisha and Liam
My husband Liam and I have been together for 9 years and married for 7 years. We met and fell in love in Cape Town but immigrated to Calgary in November 2015.
Brittenay and Aaron
When I first sat down many years ago to share our story, Aaron and I were still so new to the world of infertility. We honestly had no clue what we were getting into.