1 in 6 stories



My husband and I were married in 2003, but we needed to delay pregnancy because I had to have two major jaw surgeries (neither of which were covered by government healthcare). Once I had thoroughly healed, we started trying to conceive. After a year with no luck, we started fertility treatments. We tried one round of fertility drugs alone and followed this with two rounds of IUI. Luckily, the second round of IUI was successful and we were blessed with a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby girl. After our daughter was born I found out that I needed to have a third major jaw surgery. So when she was a year and a half I had my third surgery. None of my much-needed surgeries were covered by government healthcare so my family had to pay $30,000 out of pocket to cover these expenses. Due to another recovery we had to delay trying for a second child until my daughter was two and a half. After six months of trying, we headed back to our fertility doctor. This time we tried three rounds of IUI and one round of IVF, all with no success. At this point, our doctor feels our chances of success are very minimal. Even though we are so thankful and blessed to have one healthy child we are completely devastated to not be able to have one more.

On top of that devastation we have to add the outrageous cost of treatment. Having a child is such a basic right of life and not being able to conceive due to cost alone is cruel. We have dealt with a lot of hurdles, trauma and heartbreak throughout our lives, but the devastation of infertility affects our daily lives. I have been extremely let down by the government and they really need to re-evaluate what healthcare procedures they provide coverage for.

(Photo credit: A Day In The Life Photography)

More 1 in 6 stories


My husband and I found out the month after we were married that we were pregnant. I was surprised that it had happened so quickly, and we were ecstatic about it.

Juvarya and Shaun

Shaun and I got married in 2013. We married quickly as we had waited so long to find each other. I was 34 and he was 38.


In 2011 my husband and I decided that we would like to start a family. My cycles were like clockwork, we were young (both under the age of 30) and healthy.